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Our new creative internship goes live

New talent has landed. Meet Together’s very first intern, Jess.

This summer’s been the start of something exciting here at Together. We’ve been working on the launch of our first-ever internship programme, giving shiny new graduates a generous helping of real-life agency experience – and bringing fresh talent into our studio.

Internships have been on our bucket list for a long time. They’re a phenomenal chance to encourage new graduates, discover new talent and build new relationships with some of the country’s best creative universities.

When it came to launching our own internship programme, we wanted to make sure all the practical experience and project exposure we were offering was backed up by a genuine opportunity to kick-start a great creative career. So that’s exactly what we did.

Our Creative Studio Manager Liz Stocker, Art Director James Warfield, and Managing Director Ben Fathers got together to design a targeted, managed, modular programme featuring a mix of live and project briefs. With content spanning brand design, packaging, copywriting, creative ideation, digital design and art direction, the internship gives graduates paid, hands-on experience in a whole range of agency disciplines.

With the programme designed, our internship team got out of the studio to find brilliant new graduates in their natural habitat. Liz and James went to graphic design degree shows at Nottingham Trent University and the University of Lincoln, as well as reaching out to course leaders and employability teams in the hunt for the brightest new talent.

It’s an approach that really paid off. We were blown away by the level of interest we saw, and the quality of work that was submitted. We invited people to share their portfolios and come in for interview, before picking three outstanding candidates to be our very first interns.

We’ve staggered their start dates across the summer, and we’re delighted to introduce you to our first new recruit, Jess White. She’s joined us fresh from the University of Lincoln and she’s been an incredible fit from day one…

Jess social

Jess, tell us a bit about your course.

I studied Creative Advertising, which gave me experience of both copywriting and art direction. My dissertation focused on women in advertising and the barriers they face when they’re trying to progress – a topic that’s close to my heart now I’m a woman in that field! I found out about the internship through my head of year and it was a really exciting email to open because Together was one of the agencies I’d aspired to work at.

Describe yourself in three words.

Organised – think colour-coded monthly planner kind of vibes. Bubbly – it’s what my teachers always put in their end-of-year reports, when I’m sure they really meant chatty and interruptive! And messy, absolutely. My schedule might be organised but the most creative people always have a messy desk… don’t they?

What’s the one thing you’re bringing to your internship?

Definitely my sense of curiosity. I’m keen to have a go at everything the agency does. Always being curious and eager to learn is what led to me creating a diverse portfolio of work – and that’s what helped me get this internship.

Tea or coffee?

At home, I’m a through-and-through tea drinker, but once I’m in the office I’ll take a cappuccino please! After a speedy induction from James, I’ve mastered the Together coffee machine… aka being able to press the same button every time without it combusting!

How did you start your day today?

I had an early start, around 6am, had a cuppa and fed my two cats, then headed to the train station. I commute from Lincoln, which means I get a lovely hour to sit back and relax with a book before my day in the studio begins.

What have you been getting up to at Together?

Every day’s totally different. So far I’ve been involved with writing a tone of voice guide, designing gum packaging and filming TikToks with the social team. Going to the Together summer party at the end of my first week was a real highlight and a nice way to get to know the team – as well as enjoy all the glitter face paint on offer!

What would you tell yourself if you could go back to the start of your internship?

To keep asking questions. Finding out more about the process behind the final project and picking the brains of more senior staff helped me really immerse myself in the agency’s work and learn a lot from it.

If you could work with anybody in the world, alive or dead, who would it be?

I’m a big fan of Marc Johns’ work. His dry humour and childlike illustrations are a combination I absolutely love. Maybe one day we’ll collaborate and he’ll turn all of my weird 2am ideas into beautiful art.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I honestly have no idea! Hopefully in the creative team at a brilliant agency or maybe even freelancing and working for myself. At the moment I’m getting as much experience as I can in the industry and trying to find out which job really clicks for me.

Is there an area you’d love to explore more?

I’m a confident copywriter so it’s been great to do plenty of that on the internship. I’d love to develop my technical design skills further over the next few months because my scamps definitely have room for improvement. Gem’s currently teaching me how to use Adobe XD, so I should be a design whiz in no time!

What was it about the Together internship that caught your eye?

I loved the range of work Together showcased on their website, from branding to social content. I really enjoy doing lots of different jobs each day, so working somewhere that does such a variety of things seemed ideal. It also helped that all the work on show was done to a really high quality – so I knew the team had a lot of skill.

How would you rate your experience here overall?

Ten out of ten. The Together team have been beyond kind and welcoming. I can’t thank them enough for showing me so much and answering my many, many questions!

We’re so pleased to have you here Jess.

The Together internship has been a really positive, exciting experience for all of us and we’re hoping to make it an annual programme. Follow us on social to be the first to find out about our next round of internships and future opportunities.

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