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Facebook vs. Twitter for Brands: The Ultimate Battle of Social Media Giants

With rumours circling of Zuckerberg and Musk agreeing to what seems like an exhibition fight (which wasn’t on our bingo card for 2023), we decided to put the two platforms in the ring and explore whether Facebook or Twitter will be the champion for brand success.

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Facebook and Twitter are once again battling to win brand and consumer attention. With rumours circling of Zuckerberg and Musk agreeing to what seems like an exhibition fight (which wasn’t on our bingo card for 2023), we decided to put the two platforms in the ring and explore whether Facebook or Twitter will be the champion for brand success.

Twitter vs Facebook


When it comes to brand visibility, Facebook's user base of over 2.9 billion active monthly users makes it an enticing platform for businesses. With such a vast audience, brands can tap into various demographics and target specific groups with precision. Since becoming Meta, Facebook's robust advertising capabilities have only expanded further, including advanced targeting options and customizable campaigns, providing an opportunity for brands to reach their desired audience with greater efficiency. With a host of analytics and insights available through Meta Business Suite, brands can use the detailed data to optimise their strategy and make informed decisions.

Whilst Twitter is founded on quick and real-time connections (which we’ll explore shortly), Facebook's algorithm prioritizes content that sparks meaningful interactions, leading to increased engagement. This emphasis on user engagement presents a golden opportunity for brands to foster authentic connections with their target audience. By creating engaging content that resonates with users, brands can cultivate a loyal following, amplifying their reach and potential customer base.

Twitter: Unleashing the Power of Real-Time Conversations

In contrast to Facebook's emphasis on connections, Twitter shines as a platform renowned for its real-time conversations and instantaneous updates. With its estimated 440 million active monthly users, Twitter offers a unique space for brands to engage in immediate, concise, and timely interactions. This real-time nature of the platform makes it particularly valuable for brands aiming to build brand awareness, customer support, and participate in trending discussions.

Twitter's character limit of 280 characters per tweet encourages brevity and creativity, forcing brands to distil their message into concise and impactful content. This constraint can actually help to spark creativity, compelling brands to craft engaging and memorable tweets that can resonate within seconds. Do it right, and successful tweets can quickly go viral, offering unparalleled exposure and brand recognition.

To further build trust and connection, brands can even invest in Twitter Blue. As an opt-in premium subscription service, Twitter Blue gives eligible users the trusted blue checkmark, as well as additional features like prioritised ranking in search and conversation, and longer tweets. It’s by no means a must to succeed with your marketing on Twitter, but the features on offer could help to elevate your offering on the platform.

The Power of Creative and Copy

Both Facebook and Twitter recognize the power of visual content in capturing users' attention, as well as through copy.

Facebook enables brands to leverage the popularity of visual content through its native video hosting, live streaming capabilities, and immersive features like Facebook Stories. By incorporating eye-catching visuals, brands can elevate their content, convey their message effectively, and increase engagement.

Similarly, Twitter has embraced visual content with the ability to add image and video to tweets. By leveraging visuals on Twitter, brands can cut through the noise, stand out, and maximize their impact in a fast-paced environment.

Aside from the mutual encouragement of visual content, Twitter and Facebook follow very different content hierarchies. For Twitter, witty and concise is key to catching your audience’s attention. Think of your imagery as the supporting creative. Whereas on Facebook, image comes first. Consider adding the key message onto your visual as often Facebook users will overlook the caption and focus on the creative.


While we’re hesitant to place our bets on who will win Zuckerberg vs Musk, we’re confident that both Facebook and Twitter can be crucial platforms for brands.

We also can't be sure that this isn't a PR stunt that coincides with Meta and Zuckerberg's launch of Threads, the Meta version of Twitter, launched today (but we'll be watching this space to see how it performs, and we'll share our thoughts soon).

Ultimately, the choice between Facebook and Twitter depends on the unique goals, target audience, and messaging of each brand. By harnessing the power of both platforms strategically, brands can unlock a world of possibilities, expand their reach, and strengthen their brand identity in the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing.

Need help with your social strategy and offering? Get in touch with our expert team.

*Image created using Midjourney.

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