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From Tap to Top: Navigating Mobile App Development

Today we’re tapping into something exciting - Mobile app development. Creating Mobile apps is more than just coding or design; it's about creating a seamless user experience that delights and engages. We sat down with our Creative Director, Gemma, to explore the journey of bringing a mobile app from concept to launch.

From the challenges of designing across platforms like iOS and Android to the latest trends in app development, Gemma shares her insights on crafting apps that are not only functional but also visually stunning. Whether you're a business looking to launch a new app or refine an existing one, this blog offers valuable advice and a peek into the world of mobile app development.

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Can You Walk Us Through The General Process Of Developing A Mobile App From Concept To Launch?

“We always like to kick mobile app development projects off with workshops. Many clients know they need a product, but they’re not always sure what’s needed or how to get there. Our initial discovery workshops are designed to dig deep into these needs. We identify the app’s target users and build out digital personas, diving into their wants, needs, and the pain points they currently face with the existing processes. This helps us understand whether an app is the right solution or if another approach would be more beneficial. If a different solution would serve the client better, we’ll propose that at this stage, we’re focused on finding the best fit for their needs.

We follow this with a Hook Model workshop, this is where we take our findings from user research and focus on identifying the triggers that drive interaction with the brand and the rewards that will keep users engaged. It’s all about understanding human behaviour: what prompts users to take action, what they get out of it, and how to retain their interest over time. To learn more about the Hook Model, head over to this blog.

The next step is to map out the solution by identifying key features and determining how they’ll work together. This stage is crucial for creating a blueprint that outlines the app's structure and user flow.

We then move into an agile working method, focusing on design, ideation, reviewing, testing, and iteration. This is where things get fast-paced, as we set up sprints that allow us to be nimble and adapt quickly to feedback. Prototyping and testing happen earlier in the process rather than later, ensuring we’re on the right track from the beginning. After the build phase, we move into extensive testing before hitting the "Go Live" stage.

While the process may seem linear (moving from workshops to design and build) there’s a lot of iteration involved. We’re constantly refining and adjusting to ensure the final product meets the client’s needs and provides a seamless user experience.”

How Do You Ensure That A Mobile App’s Design Is Both User-Friendly And Aesthetically Pleasing?

“A big factor to ensure both is the app accessibility and this is important across all digital design. We work to make sure things are physically accessible for the user as well as the design looking clean. Where you place buttons has a massive impact on user experience. You need to think about reachability, where are the main areas of contact? This adds another level of dimension to the process as you begin to think about how users will actually interact with the design in their hands.

Being aware of design trends is key as well. Apps in particular are moving at an ever-growing speed, meaning we’re designing for the future. Developing a mobile app is a long process. From concept to go live can sometimes take over six months meaning you need to think about how the app will work and look in the future. You want to ensure that in a year or so’s time, the app is still relevant, user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. For this, you need to be creative and ensure the design and functionality won't become dated quickly.”

What Are Some Common UX/UI Challenges You Face In Mobile App Development, And How Do You Overcome Them?

“One of the most significant challenges in UX/UI design is ensuring we have all the necessary information from the outset. It’s crucial to have a complete understanding of who will be using the app. Designing a product without a clear picture of the end user is like trying to hit a target in the dark, it’s a major blocker. This is why we prioritise workshops at the beginning of the process. These sessions help us get to know the users, their needs, pain points, and how they interact with similar products as well as the business's goals. By thoroughly understanding the user and business goals, we can tailor the design to meet their needs effectively.

Another challenge is the planning process, particularly when it comes to designing for the future. A common approach is to start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and then build on top of it. However, it’s essential to think long-term from the start. Even if the app launches with just two features, we need to ensure it’s scalable and sustainable as new features are added over time. Proper planning lowers the risk of having to revisit and rework the product too soon after its initial release.

From a UI perspective, staying up-to-date with the latest rules, specifications, and material design guidelines is key. The nuances between platforms like Android and iOS, particularly in terms of material design patterns and aesthetics, must be understood and respected. When designing an app, we aim for a universal look and feel that works across different platforms, while also catering to the specific nuances of each. This balance ensures that the app not only looks great but also provides a consistent user experience, no matter the device.”

What New Trends Or Technologies In Mobile App Development Are You Most Excited About?

“I know everyone is talking about it but AI is such an exciting place to explore for this space. There are a lot of things that use AI that help support us in the development space. AI integration is happening more and more across the board and it’s exciting to see its potential. However, we need to remember it's about staying ahead of the curve and ensuring we’re using it correctly.

As an example, Google recently released their latest AI model, Gemini, so it’s exciting to see how that works and integrates across the suite.”

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Do You Have A Favourite App And Why?

“My favourite app would probably have to be the Monzo app. They’ve really played into the gamification style to help users get used to the app and onboarded. The app pushes you to try different sections of the app, by doing this through gamification it helps change people's behaviour around online banking. They also regularly release new features which is a great way of keeping engagement up as it makes the user feel like they’re getting more from the app. It is a two-way street for product apps in that space that we as users give them our business and they give us a great service.


The Google Apps suite also comes to mind. They’re all well integrated with each other, even though there are multiple apps they all work together flawlessly. Just taking one of their apps as an example, the Google Home app is simple but technically brilliant!” Take a look around the app for yourself.

What Advice Would You Give A Business Looking To Launch Or Redevelop A Mobile App?

“The key to any app is understanding why you need the app, not why you want it. You need to think about how the product will improve your service to your current customers and how it will attract new ones.

We will always recommend workshopping to help answer these important questions and really understand the goals of the business and the needs, pain points and wants of the end users.”


In this blog, we covered our process for mobile app development. From workshops to the final app, we discussed key factors you need to think about when developing an app. We also discussed some common challenges and trends of app development as well as Gemma’s favourite apps. If you need help developing a mobile app, whether it's from scratch or redesigning a current one, speak to our team today.

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