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Marketing Showdown: Traditional vs. Digital Campaigns

Today, we're diving into the age-old debate: traditional vs. digital marketing. It's a showdown of methods that have been trusted for years against the new players in the game. We’re going to explore what makes a successful marketing campaign, looking at both traditional and digital strategies.

Today, we're diving into the age-old debate: traditional vs. digital marketing. It's a showdown of methods that have been trusted for years against the new players in the game. We’re going to explore what makes a successful marketing campaign, looking at both traditional and digital strategies.

What Is a Marketing Campaign?

Let's start with what a marketing campaign is before we talk about traditional and digital methods. A marketing campaign is a well-thought-out plan to connect a brand with its audience. It's not just about advertising; it's about crafting messages and visuals that leave a lasting impression - usually through a series of touchpoints. This strategic approach helps a brand share its story in a way that goes beyond ‘just’ selling.

Now, let's talk about a few aspects of a good marketing campaign strategy. Firstly, it's about having clear goals. Are you focusing on brand awareness? Or maybe it's selling more products? Having this clear end goal will help you form an effective marketing campaign. The timeframe, messaging, or what the campaign is saying, are all key parts too. It should tell the brand's story in a way that people can connect with.

Consistency is key in how the campaign performs. Choosing the right places to show the campaign is also extremely important, whether on social media or in more traditional advertising. Traditional marketing and digital marketing are both extremely powerful, however, each has its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s take a deeper look at both.

Natures menu

Traditional Marketing Campaigns

Traditional marketing campaigns are the classic approaches that have been around for a while, like TV and radio ads, billboards, and print media. Think of them as the OGs of marketing (or any of the stuff you saw in Madmen…)

Examples of Traditional Marketing

  • Out of Home Advertising (OOH)

OH advertising means any form of advertisement you see outside of your home. The most common examples are billboards, posters and bus shelter displays. Last year we worked with Natures Menu on a campaign that included some OOH ads (a building mural shown above), and you can find out more about the campaign on our blog.

  • TV Advertising

On average Brits watch 2 hours and 36 minutes of TV every day, making it a great place for some brands to reach their audience. The usual TV ad is 30 seconds long meaning your brand has 30 seconds to stand out and make an impact amongst the crowd. Here's our TV ad for Natures Menu.

Our sister agency, Ideal Insight, are video experts and recently created a TV ad for RUKA Hair check out the ad below.


Radio ads are brief audio sections played during radio breaks to promote products, services or events. They leverage the power of voice, music and sound effects to capture listeners' attention and deliver a compelling message. As advertisers don’t have the power of video or display they have to think of unique ways to capture attention and make an impact only using sound.

The strength of traditional advertising lies in its ability to reach a broad audience. TV ads, for example, can hit households nationwide during a popular show. Billboards can catch the eye of anyone passing by. Traditional media advertisements can also be harder to ignore as it’s something that is directly in front of you and interrupts your day, you can’t avoid TV ads or radio ads, and if the image is in your eye line when out and about you can't help but lay your eyes on it. This means your traditional approach needs to be really impactful to make the viewer want to take action! However, there are some downsides too. Traditional methods can be expensive and time-consuming to execute, and it's often trickier to measure their direct impact. Plus, they might not offer the same level of interaction that digital methods do.

In essence, traditional marketing has many benefits, but it also has some limitations in our fast-paced, digital age. Depending on your target audience and your goals it can be a great option. For example, we recently worked with Natures Menu and created outdoor advertising to support the campaign. This worked well as we wanted to reach a diverse audience of dog owners who don’t all fit within one set demographic.

Digital Marketing Campaigns

Now, let’s talk about digital marketing, the online way of getting your message out there. Digital marketing includes everything from posting on social media to email outreach to digital display advertising.

Examples of Digital Marketing

  • Organic Social Media

Whether your brand posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X or TikTok these posts are classed as organic social media. These are posts you create to be pushed out without any 'boosting' or paid advertising. All brands should be using organic social to the best of their ability as it's free and a great way to reach your audience, if you put the work in. We love working with clients on their social media strategies, the team recently shot some footage for our client Hooch to create some great social content for their channels see more here.


Paid media covers a variety of different marketing techniques including paid social media, and PPC (pay-per-click). Paid media is a form of advertising where you pay to reach your audience on specific platforms. You compete against other companies and people within your industry to be shown to your audience. This is done through a bidding system which takes into account budgets, quality of content and the brand. If you are interested in learning more about paid media, then head over to this blog for the lowdown.


Email marketing is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to get in front of your audience. If you have built up an email list through people registering to your list or from previous customers, as you know these people are interested in your brand which means your message is more likely to resonate with them. Emails have a variety of uses, whether it is newsletters, updates or promotions, email marketing can be a great way to communicate with your audience.


SEO encompasses a variety of strategies and techniques aimed at improving a website’s visibility on search engines. It involves optimising content on your website, using relevant keywords, improving site structure and building backlinks to enhance organic search rankings and attract more targeted traffic.

Often, our favourite aspect of digital marketing is that we can be specific about who sees the content. It's like talking directly to the people who are most interested in what you have to say. Plus, you can change your message in real-time based on how people are reacting. Staying flexibly reactive is a massive positive in the world of marketing with rapidly changing trends.

Another factor that makes digital marketing great is that, compared to traditional marketing, it can be extremely cost-effective. Lots of platforms allow you to form your advertising around certain goals and get the most out of your budget. Not only that, but in return you get a lots of data about your audience, which is hard to obtain via traditional marketing methods.

However, it’s not all sunshine and roses. One big downfall of digital marketing is that the online space is saturated with content, so standing out is extremely difficult. The digital algorithm is also constantly evolving which means your campaigns need to be dynamic and your business needs to be constantly tweaking and staying ahead of the curve for the best results.

Just like traditional marketing, the digital world is perfect for some marketing campaigns but not so much for others. A lot of successful marketing campaigns actually use a mix of both.

Continue reading to discover how mixing the two methods could be the perfect blend for your business's marketing plan.

The Future of Marketing Campaigns

Staying ahead of trends and innovations is the key to any brand's success. If you want to find out more about these trends and the latest marketing news head over to our blog page for a variety of topics to get started with. There are multiple ways to reach your target audience, whether online or out in the real world.

Brands need to find the sweet spot where traditional methods and digital strategies can work together. Traditional avenues like print or radio ads bring a sense of trust and allow for a wider reach, but mixing this with digital platforms allows you many more opportunities to be seen by your target audience.

We’ve seen how many traditional advertisements can be mixed with digital ads, with great success. Our work with Natures Menu is the perfect example here, if you want to learn more about our campaign check out our case study.

And there you have it, the age-old debate of traditional vs. digital campaigns. The answer to the question lies in your business goals and audience. For some companies, one may work better than the other, but in a lot of cases, both could be beneficial to your brand.

If you're looking for help on your next campaign speak to the team today!

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